Many many many happy returns of the day to DesiRulez! We have a special announcement to make on this special day! Keep reading.

Its been quite a rollercoaster ride for everyone that none of us have noticed how the 6 years passed by so fast! We would like to thank our hard working, dedicated and highly motivated staff here at for DesiRulez. They have been the key to our success right from the start. Not to forget, we would like to thank YOU! Our wonderful users who have been with us throughout our ups and downs. Thank you for that!
Thank you for being such a wonderful community. Its been a pleasure serving you throughout this journey and we would like to continue doing so for the years to come. Cheers.
The important announcement we have to make for our users is...
After weeks of downtime, we have finally solved all technical issues with the DesiRulez App! What a special day to bring it back!
Yes that's correct! DesiRulez App is now back!! Download it today!